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Self Care for a Balanced Life

Woman in Black
And if I asked you to name all the things you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?

There are lots of names for it: positivity, self-care, mindfulness, health and wellness, spirituality, happiness, high vibe living, and so on. 


When you're feeling depressed, anxious or just down and out people will tell you that you need to "look after yourself". You will be totally allergic to hearing this at the start because not only is it a vague statement but you'll be pretty sure that you're doing things that don't fall under the 'looking after yourself' category. There are days when all you may want to do is stay in bed. But eventually you'll learn that those 'look after yourself' people are right. And eventually you'll figure out how to love yourself again... even if you do still have the odd pyjama day.


A colleague of mine once gave me some mental health advice I still use;

do one nice thing for yourself every day

You should go and love yourself
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